Pool Hours Update, 8/4/2020
8/4/2020 Update
The pool will now be open for normal hours this week through Sunday, August 9.
Pool Hours Announcement, 8/2/2020
Due to COVID-19, We are open this Monday and Tuesday, August 3-4, from 10a-8p. We are trying desperately to work with all the staff who are heading back to college and High School, unfortunately we have more leaving sooner than we have in the past. Also, not everyone has the same schedule since many attend different schools. COVID-19 has definitely thrown a "wrench" in the scheduling for the pool to be open. We will have an update soon as to the rest of the weeks schedule. Please bear with us as we work through this issue. The Board and the Pool Manager are trying to be open as much as possible in these last few weeks through Labor Day weekend. Thank You for your patience and understanding.
Blossomwood Pool Board